Fondazione "Barone Giuseppe Lucifero di S.Nicolò"

The foundation

Vista facciata del Palazzo Lucifero dalla Via Sant'Antonioi C View of the Barony Bird's eye view of the Barony Towards Sant'Antonio's Bay The Promontory

The Foundation "Barone Giuseppe Lucifero di S.Nicolò" is located in Cape Milazzo, in c.da Baronia 338, now Via Sant'Antonio n.4.

It was born by the will of the Baronessa Maria (or Maria Laura) Lucifero - born in Bari on April 6th 1895 and died in the same city December 19th 1956 - following the holographic will written on June 30th 1956, executing the will of her father Baron Giuseppe Lucifero of S. Nicolò, whose name the Foundation is named after.

Juridically, it was instituted as an Ente Morale with the D.P.R. of July 4th 1963 no. 1167 and, afterwards, with the D.A. of November 12th 1987 no. 673, has been recognized as an Istituzione Pubblica di Assistenza e Beneficenza (I.P.A.B.), under Article 1 of L.17/7/1890 no. 6970 and subsequent modifications and additions.

As a juridical person in public law it has full patrimonial, administrative and managemental autonomy, and it is subject to the jurisdiction of the Assessorato Regionale della Famiglia, delle Politiche sociali e del Lavoro (Regional Departmen of Family, of Social Politics and of Labor.

Since 2012, the Foundation subscribes to Avviso Pubblico (Public Notice) by Libera, an organization against all mafias, founded by Don Luigi Ciotti, who, by virtue of his several visits to the Foundation itself, and as an ambassador, XXX of the project "Città dei bambini spensierati" (The Carefree Children's City).

The Foundation, in actuation of its institutional goals, obliges, with its own resources, derivations of the management of its own estate assets, activities of the social-assistential, and furthermore educational-didactic-recreative-environmental types, to support children, with special attention given to those who are lesser fortunate economically and/or socially or belonging to the so-called "groups at risk" of abandonment, crime or social degradation, for whom the services offered are free of charge, and additionally towards disabled people.

The entire year-long activities (in summer and in winter) are capped by the "Gigliopoli: un cammino verso l'eccellenza" (Lilypolis: A Path Towards Excellence) project, which is carried out - in the unique and beautiful scenery of the Cape Milazzo Promontory and only empolying clean energy (provided by its own solar power system) - in synergy and in partnership with the Il Giglio Association.
